Friday, February 19, 2016

Full-Scale Exercise to Test Pandemic Response, Volunteers Needed

ST. GEORGE, UT  The Southwest Utah Public Health Department (SWUPHD), along with several partner agencies, will conduct a full scale emergency exercise on Thursday, March 17th throughout the southwest Utah region. The purpose of this drill will be to test local response to a "medical surge". This is a scenario in which a disease outbreak would overwhelm hospitals and back up plans would be activated to provide care in the community.

Hundreds of volunteers are needed to act as patients who will arrive at local hospitals in Washington, Iron, Kane, Beaver, and Garfield counties on March 17th between 8:00 am and noon. Some volunteers will also be asked to phone into emergency response agencies. Breakfast and training will be provided.  

Volunteers are also needed for an hour at 7:00 pm that night to show up as a client at a Point of Distribution (POD) site. PODs are set up to give out preventive medications for certain diseases.

"This is a great opportunity to see how our hospitals and emergency services would respond in a pandemic event," says Paulette Valentine, SWUPHD Emergency Preparedness & Response Director. "Although local agencies have practiced many time before and work well together, this will be the largest exercise we've ever done. We hope a lot of community members will join us as volunteers as well."

To register as a volunteer and get more information, visit, where you will find a link to the Surge Pandemic Exercise on the front page.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

KCYC Youth Return From DC, Take Message to Utah's Capitol Hill

KANAB, UT  Representatives from the Kane Community Youth Coalition (KCYC) returned home from the Community of Anti-Drug Coalitions of America conference in Washington, DC on Saturday, February 7th. As a follow up, they headed to the Utah State Capitol last week to educate policymakers on the effects of tobacco and e-cigarettes on local youth.

KCYC members joined over 350 youth from around the state as they met state legislators to discuss increasing drug-use rates among young people in southwest Utah. One topic of concern was the 300% increase in e-cigarettes use among teens over the past two years in some local communities.

The KCYC was excited to share what they had learned in Washington, DC and hopes that policymakers will use the information they presented to prioritize preventive legislation on the state level.

KCYC President Hailey Rogers spoke alongside Representative Kraig Powell at a press conference held at the Capitol Hill Rotunda on February 17th. She was joined by Kason Chavez, Katie Chamberlain, Raquel Clarkson, and Sarah Kelly, along with adult coordinators Lexie Little and Ashley Heaton.

You can follow the KCYC on Twitter @KCYCUt or on Facebook (Kane-Community-Youth-Coalition)
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Left to right: Ashley Heaton, Katie Chamberlain, Kason Chavez, Representative Michael Noel, Raquel Clarkson, Sarah Kelly, Hailey Rogers and Lexie Little.

WCYC Youth Return From DC, Take Message to Utah's Capitol Hill

ST. GEORGE, UT  Representatives from the Washington County Youth Coalition (WCYC) returned home from the Community of Anti-Drug Coalitions of America conference in Washington, DC on Saturday, February 7th. As a follow up, they headed to the Utah State Capitol this week to educate policymakers on the effects of tobacco and e-cigarettes on local youth.

WCYC members joined over 350 youth from around the state as they met state legislators to discuss increasing drug-use rates among young people in southwest Utah. One topic of concern was the 300% increase in e-cigarettes use among teens over the past two years in some local communities.

The WCYC was excited to share what they had learned in Washington, DC and hopes that policymakers will use the information they presented to prioritize preventive legislation on the state level.

WCYC President Abigail Dickie spoke alongside Representative Kraig Powell at a press conference held at the Capitol Hill Rotunda on February 17th. She was joined by Natalie Grisier, Megan Band, Maddie Gates, Katie Powell, Gracie Haslem, Ashley Bang, Brianna Bloxham, Hannah Curtis, Madison Baxter, Brenda Brown, Emma Dickson, Dallen Moody, Darby Wagner, Tristan Craig, August Wood, Taylor Armstrong, Matt Jensen, Caleb Larson, Danny Porras, and Nolan Porras. Adult Coordinators Kaysha Price with the Southwest Utah Public Health Department and Teresa Willie of Southwest Behavioral Health Center accompanied the youth.    

“The Washington County Youth Coalition has become a driving force for policy change, with regard to tobacco and underage alcohol use," says Teresa Willie, WCYC Coordinator. "For the past several years, the coalition has met annually with local and federal legislators to advocate for policies that promote substance abuse prevention. We are so proud of the passion, knowledge and commitment of these young people, to create a safer environment for their peers, both now and for the future."

You can follow the WCYC on Twitter @_WCYC_ or on Facebook (Washington County Youth Coalition).

WCYC youth pose with mascots for the Utah Tobacco Free Alliance at the Utah State Capitol

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Healthy Kane County Survey Results

KANAB, UT The Healthy Kane County Coalition (HKCC) was formed in September of 2015 following the success of the Kanab Healthy Living Challenge.  The HKCC is a group of community partners from both the public and private sectors.  Our mission is to increase opportunities for achieving a healthy lifestyle in the greater Kanab area by providing education and support, developing infrastructure, and enhancing skills. 
Last November, the HKCC distributed a survey to area residents to find out what needs the community has regarding healthy lifestyle.  We had 303 survey respondents and highlights of the results include:
1.  An overwhelming majority of respondents are either interested or very interested in improving their overall health.
2.  When asked to “select the 3 activities that you are interested in”, the #1 response is safe walking and biking paths, #2 is hiking, and #3 is fitness classes.
3.  When asked to “select the 3 educational classes that you are most interested in”, the #1 response is healthy recipe classes, #2 is nutrition classes, and #3 is cooking classes.
4.  People are most interested in attending classes on a monthly basis (versus more or less frequently).
5.  Time, lack of motivation, and lack of infrastructure are the top 3 barriers listed that prevent area residents from being physically active.
6.  Time, cost, and lack of planning are the 3 top barriers listed that prevent area residents from eating nutritious meals.
We are grateful to everyone who filled out the surveys.  As the HKCC moves forward, we plan to use this information and work with the community to achieve our vision, which is "To become a community that knows how to live a healthy lifestyle”.  If you are interested in joining the Healthy Kane County Coalition, please call the Southwest Utah Public Health Department at 644-2537.
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